Put simply, Rise Medical treats the body and tele-rise treats the mind.
At the Rise Medical locations our licensed medical professionals meet with you to address all of your physical symptoms and concerns related to sexual wellness and discuss the available treatments.
Tele-rise is our online platform that gives you access to trained mental health professionals. They work with you, virtually, in the comfort of your own home to address your mental and emotional aspects of sexual and intimate health.
- The whole process takes about an hour.
1st Visit 45 minutes
Subsequent Visit 30 minutes
*Some need less and some need more, depending on condition complexity.
- Prior to treatment patients will apply a numbing gel to the penis. Most patients say it feels like a light tapping or tingling sensation and do not experience pain.
A SHIM (Sexual Health Inventory for Men) score is a standardized measurement of erectile function. Using this measurement, health professionals can assess a patients’ level of erectile dysfunction.
22 to 25 – No ED issues
17 to 21 – Mild ED
8 to 16 – Moderate ED
1 to 7 – Severe ED
- At this time, insurance companies are not covering shockwave therapy.
Some studies suggest that shockwave therapy results will last up to one year and maybe longer. You will discuss with your Rise Medical professional if “tune-up” treatments will be needed after one year to maintain improvement.
Generally, the full benefits of Viveve can be seen within three months (While we don’t anticipate immediate results, some patients are reported seeing positive effects in the first few weeks!) and results can last 12 months or longer. Results progress as your body continues to increase collagen production improving tightness, sensation, lubrication, sexual satisfaction, and urinary leakage. Repeat treatments can maintain these results.
The Shockwave device therapy has been used in clinical settings since the 80’s and has been FDA approved for multiple uses. While shockwave for the specific use of erectile dysfunction is not currently FDA approved, it has undergone significant testing has been performed positively in many peer reviews.
Anyone with mild to severe ED can likely benefit from shockwave therapy. This includes the nearly 50% of men that struggle with getting or maintaining an erection. It may be a good option for men who…
Desire a treatment to reverse the underlying cause of ED
Are looking for a better response to the oral medicines used to treat ED
Want a non-invasive treatment for their ED before moving on to other options
50-80% of patients will report an improvement in their erections 30 days after they have completed the full treatment cycle.
Yes! After a private consultation with one of our professionals, they will set up a detailed treatment plan designed just for you.
Also known as penile curvature, Peyronie’s disease is a condition that results from plaques (fibrous scar tissue) developing on the penis causing a distinct curvature of the penis and often painful erections.
Generally speaking, coaches work with you on setting the GPS coordinates for your life and provide a clear roadmap and the tools to get there. Psychotherapy tends to have more of a focus on the past and address the events and feelings that happened along the way. Both look to provide a better understanding of where you are now and how to move forward.
Simply put, therapy looks into the past and coaching starts from where you are now.